Each morning after waking up, I always thank God for giving me another day to love and to serve Him. It helps to give me a positive and optimistic attitude, but most importantly to remind myself to keep God in the center of my life. With this in mind, I have an entirely new outlook on life. It's important for us to let God use us as His instruments, no matter what that may entail. Lately, I've found that just reflecting His love upon others is what I have been called to do. Usually it only includes a simple smile. Most of the time I don't think about, it comes naturally.
I was at the mall earlier today trying to get my Christmas shopping done. Everyone knows the chaos that will be encountered there, but you do it anyway. I was walking around in circles, squeezing past people, and attempting to figure out gifts when I saw a janitor walking by. I smiled at him, as I usually do, and for a few seconds his entire attitude changed. He had a smile grow across his face and he turned to finish his work a little happier. God truly uses us in the simplest of ways, but always to show His glory.