Friday, February 15, 2008

Sexual Impurity

While watching tv tonight, I stumbled across Dateline's Sexual Preditors show. I have seen it several times in the past, but for some reason I was drawn to watching it tonight. It's interesting how we instantly jump to the conclusions of how awful these men are. Of course, I would never accept this kind of behavior as right, but it's interesting to see it from a different perspective.

These men have been chatting online with what they think is a 13 year old girl. They decide to visit them (obviously for sexual reasons) when they are caught and later arrested. Although they do deserve punishment for their actions, I find it hard not to see some compassion for them. We live in a culture where sexual impurities are accepted everyday. Premarital sex is common place and accepted as if everyone is doing it. Remaining a virgin is rarely heard of! Not only this, but the easy availability of contraception is outrageous! Our culture constantly screams that we should allow ourselves to lust and to act on our impure thoughts. It saddens me when I think of how we are slowly killing our men. They no longer know where to turn and how they are supposed to act. These men do know right from wrong, you can tell from their face of guilt, but how are they supposed to distinguish the two when our culture is so openly giving in to so many sexual desires?


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