Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 22

I definitely had to check the calendar to discover what day of our 40 Day Challenge we were on. Why? We are so into the groove of this no shopping thing that I don't even think about it anymore! Sure, I've considered making a grocery list here and there (my whole life is run by a list), but why? We're out of some types of flour, I'll just adjust our baking. We no longer have any lettuce or tomatoes, but it's fall, who eats salad this time of year? Until we run out of toilet paper, I won't be calling a household emergency. Even then, do I really want to get the kids ready for the store? Maybe we'll start using cloth...or not.

What have I been doing with all of my free time? Redirecting my lists towards something productive. I have lists and lists of blog post ideas, things to make, thoughts to share. Why haven't I posted them yet? I'm still in the building stage. Notice the new blog layout? It's bright, it's fun, and it's the only hint you're getting!

When will the big reveal happen? After our 40 Day Challenge. I'm giving myself a couple more weeks to polish and prepare.

I'll leave you with a photo of the little guy. Why? Because he's cute and a photo of toilet paper isn't all that exciting.


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