Sunday, May 27, 2007

First Communion...Only the Beginning

Although most people don't realize it, I have a charismatic side that I occasionally let out. This only happens 2-3 times a year, but today was definitely one of them. I decided to visit my former choir (the praise and worship group) and it just happened to be the day where all of the children in the area were being confirmed and received their first communion. I haven't personally attended a first communion for about 10 years, so I was really excited to see the 50 children. On top of this, the bishop was there.

While all of these seven and eight year olds were being confirmed, there were so many things I was thinking about. Of course I was looking at each of the dresses in hopes of seeing something I would like for a flower girl, but don't worry I had many other things on my mind. As I continue to approach my vocation to marriage, I was thinking and praying for each of these children. Each has a vocation that God intends for them, but how many parents will continue bringing them to mass and nurture their faith. I prayed that they continue on this path towards holiness and that each is able to discover their own vocation. Of the 20 or so boys who were confirmed, how many will be called to the priesthood? It amazed me just to think that there were future priests walking among us and one day they will do wonderful things for our church.


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