I've spent the vast majority of my time lately trying to create systems and procedures that can aid in a less chaotic lifestyle. The three major issues I have found as a housewife seem to be: "What's for dinner?" "How much money do we have?" and "How am I going to get all this cleaning done!?" After tons of charts, binders, and lists, I have finally found a way to simplify my life and accomplish all of these tasks! I may not blog often or I may find tons of inspiration during nap time, but it is here that I plan to share some of these ideas and strategies.
Tonight's dinner:
Sauteed Vegetables with Pork cooked in ApplesauceCalories: 319
Cost per Serving: $0.77

I recently purchased several pounds of pork for only $1.99lb and was determined to find a way to prepare it for dinner. After a trip to the local farmers market, a couple of dollars, and about 30 minutes, VOILA! we have dinner!
Peter's verdict: Summer squash and Zucchini are delicious!!
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