How many times have you heard it? "I'm not worried about it, God will provide." Although I have experienced the truth to this statement several times, I am still in constant awe when I realize how amazing He truly is.
I have recently come into some financial hardships. At one point I started thinking of my money in terms of how many gas tanks I could have. How many weeks could I afford to get to my student teaching placement before running out of money? I was quickly reminded that I have no control over things like this and placed it all in God's hands. I went to mass that evening and asked merely for one tank of gas. Within two hours, I received a phone call asking me to work in the nursery at a church the next morning and I received enough money for my one tank of gas! God truly does provide.
I have continued to pray for financial help and through fasting and prayer, God has given me more than I have asked for! I have a new job that I work at on weekends where I clean toilets, sweep, mop, and do other activities in which I make things sparkle. At first, I took this job only for the money and started grumbling about how awful it would be. During my first 5 hours of sweeping/vacuuming, I had alot of time to think, contemplate, and pray. I realized what a blessing this job was. Although it sounds like a dirty job, (scrubbing toilets makes for an easy sacrifice to offer up) having an excuse to merely pray and listen to God for hours at a time, I couldn't ask for anything better! For the first time in my life I am working hard for my money and have found an appreciation that I have never known. God will provide, all we have to do is ask and never forget to listen.
A Roman Catholic, cloth diapering, breastfeeding,
baby-wearing, stay-at-home mother and wife.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sexual Impurity
While watching tv tonight, I stumbled across Dateline's Sexual Preditors show. I have seen it several times in the past, but for some reason I was drawn to watching it tonight. It's interesting how we instantly jump to the conclusions of how awful these men are. Of course, I would never accept this kind of behavior as right, but it's interesting to see it from a different perspective.
These men have been chatting online with what they think is a 13 year old girl. They decide to visit them (obviously for sexual reasons) when they are caught and later arrested. Although they do deserve punishment for their actions, I find it hard not to see some compassion for them. We live in a culture where sexual impurities are accepted everyday. Premarital sex is common place and accepted as if everyone is doing it. Remaining a virgin is rarely heard of! Not only this, but the easy availability of contraception is outrageous! Our culture constantly screams that we should allow ourselves to lust and to act on our impure thoughts. It saddens me when I think of how we are slowly killing our men. They no longer know where to turn and how they are supposed to act. These men do know right from wrong, you can tell from their face of guilt, but how are they supposed to distinguish the two when our culture is so openly giving in to so many sexual desires?
These men have been chatting online with what they think is a 13 year old girl. They decide to visit them (obviously for sexual reasons) when they are caught and later arrested. Although they do deserve punishment for their actions, I find it hard not to see some compassion for them. We live in a culture where sexual impurities are accepted everyday. Premarital sex is common place and accepted as if everyone is doing it. Remaining a virgin is rarely heard of! Not only this, but the easy availability of contraception is outrageous! Our culture constantly screams that we should allow ourselves to lust and to act on our impure thoughts. It saddens me when I think of how we are slowly killing our men. They no longer know where to turn and how they are supposed to act. These men do know right from wrong, you can tell from their face of guilt, but how are they supposed to distinguish the two when our culture is so openly giving in to so many sexual desires?
While student teaching this semester, I have had many experiences that have stuck with me. On Thursday, we took 40 students from the third grade chorus to sing for the local nursing home. I have spent many afternoons of my life singing for the elderly and didn't expect anything different. This time however, I was merely an observer. While the students sang, those that lived there were quite pleased with their Valentine's Day entertainment. At one point, the students started singing patriotic songs. Even though there was a 90 year difference between the youngest and the oldest person in the room, everyone was singing along. It's amazing how music can continue through the many generations and still hold it's purpose and meaning. No matter the age, everyone is proud to sing the songs of our country.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
You Know You're Catholic When...
You ask for The Art of Natural Family Planning and a basal thermometer for your birthday.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Announcement in the Newspaper

The future bride graduated from Leavitt Area High School in 2004. She is currently pursuing a degree in music education at the University of Southern Maine and plans to graduate in May.
The future bridegroom is a 2002 graduate of Edward little High School and a 2007 graduate of the University of Southern Maine, where he received a degree in psychology. He is currently employed at Home Depot.
A July 26 wedding is planned at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Lewiston.
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