Over the last several months I have been absolutely amazed with the crazy things my body has gone through. Now, with only 9 weeks to go, I'm starting to experience the nesting phase. Who would have thought my life could become so comical! I can't stop cleaning and the slightest mess makes me nuts. I became annoyed with the bathtub while I was showering and insisted that Nathan find me some papertowels before I could complete my shower. I have even thought about cleaning it several more times and it's already sparkling! Yesterday I had the urge to wash all of the windows. Granted we don't have many, but I went outside in 30 degree weather and cleaned the ou

tside of them as well! Note: windex freezes, so it won't be as sparkling clean as you'd like. My table and coffee table get scrubbed atleast once a day, even if no one's been near them. I wouldn't believe these cleaning urges were possible if I wasn't experiencing them for myself!
Nathan's thoughts: "This is my favorite part of the pregnancy so far!"
LOL! Ive gotten the nesting thing too, but Im only 17 weeks! Im scared. lol
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