Sometimes it only requires taking out a seam ripper! I don't know about you, but taking out a seam ripper is much easier than dragging out my sewing machine, filling a bobbin, threading the needle, and finding a way to amuse a very curious two year old.
I recently received several hand-me-downs for Thérèse. She now has some of the most adorable clothing! You should have seen me looking through bags, it felt like Christmas! Anyway, I pulled out this one dress that I absolutely fell in love with, then I noticed it. Across the front it read "Flirt." I don't know about you, but I'm hoping to keep my little girl from being labeled as a "flirt" for as long as possible (if not forever). So...out came the seam ripper! And now, we have the most perfect dress that I am very excited for my little girlie to wear.

A few days ago, Hubby was running around trying to leave for work and somehow he got the pocket of his dress shirt stuck and ripped a hole in it. I looked at it and there was no way for me to salvage the pocket and still have it look professional. So...out came the seam ripper! He now has a pocketless dress shirt, but who really needs a pocket anyway?
What do you have laying around the house that could be used again with the help of a seam ripper??