Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pray for the Addicted

I arrived home last night for Thanksgiving, so my sister and I decided to go out to the mall this afternoon. While wandering the stores searching aimlessly for a Christmas present for our brother, we walked into FYE (a dvd and music store). As I was walking up and down the aisles, I saw a man looking through DVD's, but he almost seemed to be hiding something. I looked closer and realized that he was in the porn section. My first reaction did not include disgust, but instead I felt bad that he had an obvious addiction. I immediately prayed for him, that he will overcome what society has told him is acceptible. Just the way he was flipping through the videos, you could tell that he knew something about it was wrong, yet he couldn't keep himself from doing it. How can a store willingly want to help support such an addiction? It's horrible to watch these men be turned into something that they are not. Our men deserve so much better! They need to be taught at a young age how beautiful the human body is and it needs to be nurtured in a nonsexual way. I pray that these men will overcome the addictions that society has placed upon them and that future generations will learn to embrace the human body the way that God has intended.


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