Friday, January 19, 2007

The Vagina Monologues

Every year, there's a group of students who perform "The Vagina Monologues" on campus. Thankfully, I have never seen a performance and never intend to. I will admit however, that I have read the script after someone gave it to me as a joke. I was absolutely disgusted and felt violated that someone would write about my most private areas in such a way. This group of students are once again at it again. I began seeing posters up for the show a few days ago and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. One of them has a cartoon of a woman sitting on a stool with her legs up in the air and from her womanly area is a speech bubble inviting people to attend. I was fairly insulted by this one, but it only got worse when I discovered the other poster. This one, has a drawing of a vagina, it's purple and pink and done artistically, but I was so offended and felt violated the minute I saw it. Why would someone willingly want to put up a picture of my most private area for the world to see? Our school is all about freedom of speech and do whatever you want, I should have the freedom to subject myself to such a thing by choosing to go to the show. I shouldn't have it staring at me everywhere I go. It's disgusting.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Equality of Men and Women

While I was substituting today, I observed a lesson on Martin Luther King Jr in a 5th grade special education classroom. I was impressed on how it was conducted, but it took a twist when comparing people of color to genders. The students were asked whether men and women are equal. It was interesting to see how some of the students got really into it and obviously started saying things that they hear at home about the topic. This is such a hot topic in today's culture, that I figured I would share some of my own responses.

Men and women are not equal. Equality means "the same" and physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, we are very different. Yes, we are all human beings but God created us to be different in terms of gender. We compliment eachother in all aspects of life, the marital embrace is such a beautiful representation of that. If we were created to be "the same," this wonderful aspect of life would not work. Beyond that, women are blessed with the opportunity to bare children while men are called to support their wives.

Women in the workplace is an entirely different thing. I do believe that everyone should be paid equally for their work regardless of what gender they are. However, this should not keep a woman from staying home to raise her children. In today's society we are a materialistic world only focusing on how much money we can make while sacrificing time with our children. This has forced families to feel as though they cannot survive unless both parents are working.

I could probably go on and on about this subject and never really show my true feelings towards it. I just thank God everyday that He has blessed us all with a gender so that we can continue on our paths in life the way that He intended.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Being a Teacher

I am currently in my junior year of college, studying music education. Since my freshman year, during breaks, I do alot of substitute teaching. Last year, I was blessed with the opportunity to have a six-week position doing K-6 general music. I had not done any teaching since then, but since I've been home for Christmas break, I have had a few more opportunities. After a really difficult semester of school, I was unsure of whether or not I really wanted to teach at all. After being in the classrooms these last few days, I realized that this is truly what I'm supposed to be doing. Although I do not plan on teaching for long once I get married and have children, for now it's what I need to do. The students give me an entirely new prespective on life. Those that just want to excell show me that I need constantly be pushing myself and those that come from troubled homes show me that there are so many people around me that need prayers.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Lk 1:28)
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb"(Lk 1:42).
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