Friday, January 19, 2007

The Vagina Monologues

Every year, there's a group of students who perform "The Vagina Monologues" on campus. Thankfully, I have never seen a performance and never intend to. I will admit however, that I have read the script after someone gave it to me as a joke. I was absolutely disgusted and felt violated that someone would write about my most private areas in such a way. This group of students are once again at it again. I began seeing posters up for the show a few days ago and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. One of them has a cartoon of a woman sitting on a stool with her legs up in the air and from her womanly area is a speech bubble inviting people to attend. I was fairly insulted by this one, but it only got worse when I discovered the other poster. This one, has a drawing of a vagina, it's purple and pink and done artistically, but I was so offended and felt violated the minute I saw it. Why would someone willingly want to put up a picture of my most private area for the world to see? Our school is all about freedom of speech and do whatever you want, I should have the freedom to subject myself to such a thing by choosing to go to the show. I shouldn't have it staring at me everywhere I go. It's disgusting.


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