Today is officially the beginning of International Babywearing Week!
Ok, so I only just learned about this a couple of days ago and I have no set plans on how to celebrate. I would however like to take this as an excuse to talk about why I love babywearing so much!
When Peter was first born, I had a ring sling that I used almost constantly. Having been so snug and warm in the womb, it only makes sense that he would enjoy being held so close. It quickly became a convenience. Peter was happy, he'd fall asleep without fussing, and I learned how to get all of my chores done (including decorating cakes) with him asleep on me.
Now that he's 18 months old, he still enjoys being carried. I bring a pouch sling or my Ergo with me everywhere. In the middle of the grocery store I can quickly hold him and still have my arms available to shop. It's nice to know that I can always provide him the comfort and reassurance that he needs.
Why do you love babywearing? What's your favorite carrier? Any ideas on how to officially celebrate International Babywearing Week?