Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Whatever Wednesday - Family Size

In the past couple of weeks I have heard many remarks about family sizes.

People have yet to question our decision to have two children, but instead I always get the following responses: "oh, a boy and a girl, that's perfect," "two, that's a good place to stop," "you must be done now, two is more than enough for me!"

Recently the Duggar family announced that they are expecting their 20th child. It's unbelievable how many times and places I have heard this brought up. "20!?! Do they know when to stop?" "That's just rediculous, no one should be allowed that many children!" "She had a bad 19th pregnancy, they'll risk another?" "Isn't she too old? The grandchildren are older than her children!"

Why can't we just leave the blessing of children up to God? Let Him make the decisions for us?

Society has warped it's view of children so much that we now find it normal to praise and rejoice single, unwed mothers. Yet when a child is created by a loving, married couple, who already has more than two, they are condemned and questioned.

Should everyone have 20 children? Of course not, we are not all called to do so. If a stable environment has not been prepared to welcome children, abstain. Hubby and I abstained our entire courtship and engagement. Sure it was difficult, but worth it! Not only did it strengthen our relationship, but it was impossible for us to bring a child into an unstable environment.

When a couple takes so much care to make sure they only welcome children into a loving and stable environment, why are they questioned and talked about in such a negative manner? One, three, eight, twelve, or even twenty children need not to be questioned when God is the center of a couple's marriage.

In today's society children are "things" that just happen. Sometimes by accident and other times they are so planned there is no room for God to unexpectedly bless us. Children come from God. Sure my husband and I have had a huge part in creating both of our children, but we were blessed with them only because He wanted us to be. Would we allow our greatest treasure to rot and collect dust? Of couse not! Why then do we continue to treat children in this way? They deserve the very best and the very best is a loving and stable home with two parents who love each other and are open to God's will in all aspects of their lives. Whether God's will is one child or twenty children, it is His plan that is best for our children.


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