I'm not much of a person to sit in front of the TV and flip through channels, but since Christmas parties have settled down, I have become something of a couch potato. You know those commercials that you laugh at and have to tell someone about the instant you see it? Turns out people have seen these commercials months ago. Shows how much I actually sit in front of the television.
Today as I was flipping through the channels, I discovered some very interesting reality shows. I found a show entitled "Kids by the Dozen" on TLC and was immediately intrigued. Each episode follows a different family that has atleast twelve children. It was so wonderful to see the large family dynamics portrayed so beautifully for the public to see. The only thing I found troubling was that they never showed any of them going to church. Each family was obviously very religious, but it was downplayed. In the couple of episodes I watched, I quickly spotted rosaries, scapulars, and other Catholic sacramentals. Although the average person would not see those things, it was upsetting that in the editing they took out the religious aspects of their life. I think it is safe to assume that these scapular wearing children attend mass atleast once a week and prayer is a large part of their lives.
Other than my few problems with the show, I was very much in love. If I was going to fry my brain, I'm glad I had the opportunity to see these families. I only wish people realized how many of these families actually exist and how beautiful they really are.
With that, I leave you with an amazing video:
A Roman Catholic, cloth diapering, breastfeeding,
baby-wearing, stay-at-home mother and wife.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Looking Back
Thank you for the last four years. Through the smiles and the tears, you have always been there and will always continue to be. I love you!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Reason #5732 why I am homeschooling
Portland School Committee Votes In Favor Of Birth Control For Middle Schoolers
PORTLAND (NEWS CENTER) -- In a 7-to-2 vote, the Portland School Committee has approved a proposal to offer a full array of birth control options-- including birth control pills-- to students at King Middle School.
At a the meeting Wednesday night, a vast majority of parents spoke out against the proposal.
5 students at King Middle School reported being sexually active, last year. The school nurse coordinator says those girls used the health center for all their medical needs-- except birth control.
The school's principal told the committee the girls would be given an exam, and be warned about the dangers of sex, but their parents would not have to know if they're on the pill.
Parents have to sign a consent form for the students to be treated at the health center, but any treatment the students receive falls under doctor-patient confidentiality.
If two students decided to have consentual sex parents would not be made aware of the situation. However, if a crime is involved the school would contact authorities.
PORTLAND (NEWS CENTER) -- In a 7-to-2 vote, the Portland School Committee has approved a proposal to offer a full array of birth control options-- including birth control pills-- to students at King Middle School.
At a the meeting Wednesday night, a vast majority of parents spoke out against the proposal.
5 students at King Middle School reported being sexually active, last year. The school nurse coordinator says those girls used the health center for all their medical needs-- except birth control.
The school's principal told the committee the girls would be given an exam, and be warned about the dangers of sex, but their parents would not have to know if they're on the pill.
Parents have to sign a consent form for the students to be treated at the health center, but any treatment the students receive falls under doctor-patient confidentiality.
If two students decided to have consentual sex parents would not be made aware of the situation. However, if a crime is involved the school would contact authorities.
Monday, October 15, 2007
'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California
Schwarzenegger signs law outlawing terms perceived as negative to 'gays'
"Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose."We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California," said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute.
"With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered young children into the hands of those who will introduce them to alternative sexual lifestyles," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, which worked to defeat the plans. "This means children as young as five years old will be mentally molested in school classrooms.
"Shame on Schwarzenegger and the Democrat politicians for ensuring that every California school becomes a homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination center," he said.
Analysts have warned that schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser, which often is California, and they will be unlikely to go to the expense of having a separate edition for other states.
The bills signed by Schwarzenegger include SB777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices.
There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however.
"SB 777 will result in reverse discrimination against students with religious and traditional family values," said Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute. "These students have lost their voice as the direct result of Gov. Schwarzenegger's unbelievable decision. The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife' could promote discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured.
"Parents want the assurance that when their children go to school they will learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic – not social indoctrination regarding alternative sexual lifestyles. Now that SB777 is law, schools will in fact become indoctrination centers for sexual experimentation," she said.
England told WND that the law is not a list of banned words, including "mom" and "dad." But she said the requirement is that the law bans discriminatory bias.
"Having 'mom' and 'dad' promotes a dicsriminatory bias. You have to either get rid of 'mom' and 'dad' or include everything when talking about [parental issues]," she said. "They [promoters of sexual alternative lifestyles] do consider that discriminatory."
Also signed was AB394, which targets parents and teachers for such indoctrination through "anti-harassment" training, CCF said.
Schwarzenegger had vetoed almost identical provisions a year ago, saying existing state law already provided for penalties for discrimination.
"We had hoped that the governor would once again veto this outrageous legislation but he obviously decided to side with the out-of-touch extremists that control the legislature. This law does not reflect the true values of the average Californian," said England. "True leadership means standing up for what is true and right."
Thomasson said SB777 prohibits any "instruction" or school-sponsored "activity" that "promotes a discriminatory bias" against "gender" – the bill's definition includes cross-dressing and sex changes – as well as "sexual orientation."
"Because no textbook or instruction in California public schools currently disparages transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality, the practical effect of SB777 will be to require positive portrayals of these sexual lifestyles at every government-operated school," CCF noted.
Offenders will face the wrath of the state Department of Education, up to and including lawsuits.
CCF noted that now on a banned list will be any text, reference or teaching aid that portrays marriage as only between a man and woman, materials that say people are born male or female (and not in between), sources that fail to include a variety of transsexual, bisexual and homosexual historical figures, and sex education materials that fail to offer the option of sex changes.
Further, homecoming kings now can be either male or female – as can homecoming queens, and students, whether male or female, must be allowed to use the restroom and locker room corresponding to the sex with which they choose to identify.
AB394 promotes the same issues through state-funded publications, postings, curricula and handouts to students, parents and teachers.
It also creates the circumstances where a parent who says marriage is only for a man and a woman in the presence of a lesbian teacher could be convicted of "harassment," and a student who believes people are born either male or female could be reported as a "harasser" by a male teacher who wears women's clothes, CCF said.
Thomasson said Schwarzenegger also signed AB14, which prohibits state funding for any program that does not support a range of alternative sexual practices, including state-funded social services run by churches.
Affected will be day cares, preschool or after-school programs, food and housing programs, senior services, anti-gang efforts, jobs programs and others.
Thomasson said it also forces every hospital in California – even private, religious hospitals – to adopt policies in support of transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality and opens up nonprofit organizations to lawsuits if they exclude members that engage in homosexual, bisexual, or transsexual conduct.
"It's the height of intolerance to punish individuals, organizations, businesses, and churches that have moral standards on sexual conduct and sexual lifestyles," said Thomasson, in response to the signing of AB14. "This is another insensitive law that violates people's moral boundaries."
The vitriol over the issue rose to new levels in its latest campaign.
As WND reported, a board member for the homosexual advocacy group Equality California verbally attacked and threatened CRI for its opposition to the bill earlier.
The board member sent an e-mail and video to CRI threatening the group would be buried if it continued efforts opposing the homosexual advocacy.
"The shocking hate mail we received shows that those behind this legislation do not promote true tolerance," said England. "Only politically correct speech will be tolerated. Those with religious or traditional moral beliefs will not be allowed to express their opinions in public schools."
She also cited an informational document published by the Gay-Straight Alliance Network and the Transgender Law Center that already is lobbying for special treatment in the school system.
"If you want to use a restroom that matches your gender identity … you should be allowed to do so," it advises. "Whenever students are divided up into boys and girls, you should be allowed to join the group or participate in the program that matches your gender identity as much as possible."
Further, the groups advise, "If you change your name to one that better matches your gender identity, a school needs to use that name to refer to you." The advocacy group also warns schools against bringing parents into any such discussion with students.
WND has documented a number of earlier cases in which educators, including leaders in California, have taken it upon themselves to promote a homosexual lifestyle to children under their charge.
WND reported California Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell, under whose supervision hundreds of thousands of children are being educated, has used his state position and taxpayer-funded stationery to praise a "gay" pride event used in the past to expose children to sexually explicit activities.
That drew vehement objections from several educators, including Priscilla Schreiber, the president of the Grossmont Unified High School District governing board.
"I am outraged that a person in this high-ranking elected position would advocate an event where diversity is not just being celebrated but where pornography and indecent exposure is being perpetrated on the young and innocent children of our communities," she said.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Awkward Song
I met Josh this weekend and had a chance to watch him perform this. Amazingly hilarious and it's so true!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Although it has only been a few days, I feel a change. I have had a chance to refocus my thoughts completely on God and to take notice in the small things around me. It has been an interesting few weeks while I have adjusted to being back at school, only seeing Nathan on short occassions, and going through a transitional time of my life. At times I have felt alone, but now I realize how very wrong I was. God is always there whether you are rejoicing, struggling, or suffering from a huge burden. The power of his love is undescribable! Trust in Him, and you will never want to turn back.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Saint Therese of Lisieux

"You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them."
"Kneeling before the tabernacle, I can think of only one thing to say to our Lord: "My God, you know that I love You." And I feel that my prayer does not weary Jesus; knowing my weakness, He is satisfied with my good will."
"Our Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor profound thoughts. Neither intelligence nor talents. He cherishes simplicity."
"Really, I am far from being a saint, and what I have just said is proof of this; instead of rejoicing, for example, at my aridity, I should attribute it to my little fervor and lack of fidelity; I should be desolate for having slept (for seven years) during my hours of prayer and my thanksgivings after Holy Communion; well, I am not desolate. I remember that little children are as pleasing to their parents when they are asleep as well as when they are wide awake; I remember, too, that when they perform operations, doctors put their patients to sleep. Finally, I remember that: "The Lord knows our weakness, that he is mindful that we are but dust and ashes."
"Oh! no, you will see...it will be like a shower of roses. After my death, you will go to the mail box, and you will find many consolations."
- Saint Therese on 9 June 1897 after Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart told her we would be very sorry after she died
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Excerpt from "The Catholic Book of Marriage" (1951)
M is for MARY, the greatest of all God's children, Queen of Heaven and earth; Mother of Christ and of us. She is the model of all wives, as St. Joseph is the model of all husbands.
A is for AFFECTION. The Immaculate Heart of Mary was filled with loving affection, first for God and her Child, Jesus; for her beloved husband, Joseph, for her close neighbors whom she was ever ready to help, and for all mankind, destined to be her children in the Lord.
R is for the family ROSARY. The marriage that is firmly established on the love of Mary through the Family Rosary is destined for success. Jesus and Mary will be with it to bless parents and children in life and in eternity.
R is for mutual RESPECT. Respect flows from love. Mary loved and respected Joseph as the divinely appointed head of the home. Joseph respected Mary as the dearest woman in the whole world, dearer to him than his very life. So the faithful husband and wife never endanger or offend their mutual love.
I is for INCOME. A practical law of life is to live within you income. The happiest couple that ever walked this earth enjoyed no great mansion; they had no expensive pleasures. Joseph supported his family by the work of his hands, as a carpenter. Though poor, he always had a little for someone that needed it more.
A is for living ALONE. The Lord demands that a man "leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife...that they be two in one flesh."
G is for GENEROSITY. Love is generous. It never counts the cost or weighs the sacrifice. Love is willing to do more, and more, to please the beloved.
E is for the EUCHARIST. Jesus was the center of Joseph's and Mary's life, their bond of union and their salvation, the heart of their home. Jesus, the Author of all marriage, is the life and light of all hearts, without Whom nothing good can exist.
A is for AFFECTION. The Immaculate Heart of Mary was filled with loving affection, first for God and her Child, Jesus; for her beloved husband, Joseph, for her close neighbors whom she was ever ready to help, and for all mankind, destined to be her children in the Lord.
R is for the family ROSARY. The marriage that is firmly established on the love of Mary through the Family Rosary is destined for success. Jesus and Mary will be with it to bless parents and children in life and in eternity.
R is for mutual RESPECT. Respect flows from love. Mary loved and respected Joseph as the divinely appointed head of the home. Joseph respected Mary as the dearest woman in the whole world, dearer to him than his very life. So the faithful husband and wife never endanger or offend their mutual love.
I is for INCOME. A practical law of life is to live within you income. The happiest couple that ever walked this earth enjoyed no great mansion; they had no expensive pleasures. Joseph supported his family by the work of his hands, as a carpenter. Though poor, he always had a little for someone that needed it more.
A is for living ALONE. The Lord demands that a man "leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife...that they be two in one flesh."
G is for GENEROSITY. Love is generous. It never counts the cost or weighs the sacrifice. Love is willing to do more, and more, to please the beloved.
E is for the EUCHARIST. Jesus was the center of Joseph's and Mary's life, their bond of union and their salvation, the heart of their home. Jesus, the Author of all marriage, is the life and light of all hearts, without Whom nothing good can exist.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Since Nathan first proposed, everyday has become a new adventure. Who would have thought planning a wedding would be such tedious work. We have thought of almost everything right down to what kind of table clothes we will have at the reception. We have been dreaming and wondering however where our honeymoon will be. After alot of thought, we decided not to go to Rome but instead save that for a later date. Instead, we have booked a cruise to the Caribbean. It is something that neither of us has ever experienced and it will be wonderful to do during our first week as a married couple.
It is odd however knowing that we just reserved a place with only one bed. Unlike many dating and engaged couples, we have never spent the night together. This is something that we have always found to be very special and have reserved it for marriage. I will admit that during long and drawn out movies I have often times fallen asleep on him, but what a peaceful and comforting feeling it was to wake up in his arms only 20 minutes later. Just getting a glimpse of how beautiful that feeling is has helped me to cherish it and look forward to what is to come.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we journey closer to the vocation that God has called us to.
It is odd however knowing that we just reserved a place with only one bed. Unlike many dating and engaged couples, we have never spent the night together. This is something that we have always found to be very special and have reserved it for marriage. I will admit that during long and drawn out movies I have often times fallen asleep on him, but what a peaceful and comforting feeling it was to wake up in his arms only 20 minutes later. Just getting a glimpse of how beautiful that feeling is has helped me to cherish it and look forward to what is to come.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we journey closer to the vocation that God has called us to.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Yard Sale
This morning we took out all of our once prized possessions, put stickers on them, and have been allowing people to buy our stuff. All of these things that have brought us closer to society's materialistic ways are being placed in unknown cars and driven away. With a simple exchange of a couple of quarters, the unused clothes that I have been hoarding "in case I ever needed them" are being put to use in someone else's house. It's a good reminder of how materialistic we, as human beings, can be. Occasionally we need to let go of our possessions and live more simply. As I prepare to move out of the house next year I am slowly going through these worldly possessions and realizing what kind of life I want to live.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Goodbye Pants
About a year and a half ago I stopped wearing pants and decided to wear only skirts. At first it was just more comfortable and I enjoyed them more, then I started reading more about modesty and began to realize how much more I could embrace my femininity. I started seeing a different side of men; doors were opened for me and I was treated with so much more respect. Try wearing skirts for awhile, it's incredible to see how people respond!

Since I began wearing only skirts, I have kept my pants in the back of my closet "just in case." I have been thinking of getting rid of them, but could not get myself to do so. Yesterday, I decided it was time. I took out my sewing machine, ripped a couple of them up, and transformed a couple of pairs into a skirt. Goodbye pants! I'm sure the rest of them will be transformed as well or sold at our yard sale this weekend.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Letter to the Editor
Last week there was a letter to the editor in our local newspaper that spoke poorly of the Catholic Church. Nathan and I were both upset, so he took it upon himself to respond. Here is his article that appeared in today's paper.
Universal Catholicism
Monday, August 6, 2007
In his letter Aug. 1, William LaRochelle makes the claim that the Catholic Church is guilty of contradiction.
LaRochelle speaks of the declaration that Protestant denominations are not churches. It must be understood that the word "church" has a deeper theological meaning. "Church," in the theological sense, refers to the lack of linear succession within Protestant communities that is found within the Catholic and Orthodox churches. It does not mean that Protestants' beliefs lack a theological base.
With that understanding of church, it becomes easier to understand the second point of LaRochelle's argument. The Catholic Church does not wish Protestants to abandon their faiths, but, instead, wishes for a greater unity between all Christian faiths. The word "catholic" simply means "universal" in Greek. What the Catholic Church desires is simply for all Christians to again become catholic, i.e., universal.
LaRochelle tries to contradict Pope John Paul II by contrasting his words with those of Pope Eugene IV. If one understands history, Pope Eugene IV does not contradict Pope John Paul II. Pope Eugene IV made his statements regarding salvation before the Protestant reformation. If one reads the statement, there is actually no reference to Protestants, which means that there is no contradiction between Pope John Paul II and Pope Eugene IV.
With careful investigation, one can see that there are no proven contradictions in those arguments against Catholicism, but that they show the church's desire to reunite all Christian faiths.
Nathan Faucher, Lewiston
And this is one of the many reasons why I am marrying this man!
Universal Catholicism
Monday, August 6, 2007
In his letter Aug. 1, William LaRochelle makes the claim that the Catholic Church is guilty of contradiction.
LaRochelle speaks of the declaration that Protestant denominations are not churches. It must be understood that the word "church" has a deeper theological meaning. "Church," in the theological sense, refers to the lack of linear succession within Protestant communities that is found within the Catholic and Orthodox churches. It does not mean that Protestants' beliefs lack a theological base.
With that understanding of church, it becomes easier to understand the second point of LaRochelle's argument. The Catholic Church does not wish Protestants to abandon their faiths, but, instead, wishes for a greater unity between all Christian faiths. The word "catholic" simply means "universal" in Greek. What the Catholic Church desires is simply for all Christians to again become catholic, i.e., universal.
LaRochelle tries to contradict Pope John Paul II by contrasting his words with those of Pope Eugene IV. If one understands history, Pope Eugene IV does not contradict Pope John Paul II. Pope Eugene IV made his statements regarding salvation before the Protestant reformation. If one reads the statement, there is actually no reference to Protestants, which means that there is no contradiction between Pope John Paul II and Pope Eugene IV.
With careful investigation, one can see that there are no proven contradictions in those arguments against Catholicism, but that they show the church's desire to reunite all Christian faiths.
Nathan Faucher, Lewiston
And this is one of the many reasons why I am marrying this man!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Seeing Old Friends
Two summers ago when I walked with the Crusade for Life, I met many people who influenced who I am today. There were many faces and names along the way but a few that I very distinctly remember.
One day, eight of the twelve walkers had to go to a rally of some sort in New Hampshire while four of us stayed back to cover thirty or so miles of walking (from Maine into New Hampshire). It was a hot, but typical summer day. After walking for most of the morning, two of the walkers met a man who invited us into his home for lunch. We graciously accepted and were surprised to discover how beautiful his family was. He was married to a wonderful woman and they had an adorable child and were expecting their second. They had such a wonderful way about them and their faith was so radiant. Of all the days that summer, this family sticks out in my mind the most.
Today, I decided to check out the new Catholic bookstore. I stayed half an hour past closing talking with the owner when the man that works with her said that he was leaving. She mentioned that his four year old was in the car. She said the child's name and I immediately wondered if it was the man that had invited us for lunch. I began asking questions of where he lives and his wife's name. Sure enough, it was him! He walked back inside to get something and we both realized that we knew each other and how we had met. I then went outside to see his wife and two boys. We immediately began talking and I was so excited to have seen them once again. She is now expecting their third child! They are such amazing witnesses of God's love for us and I am so happy to have seen them once again. You never know where you'll see someone that you haven't seen in years, but God always seems to reconnect us.
One day, eight of the twelve walkers had to go to a rally of some sort in New Hampshire while four of us stayed back to cover thirty or so miles of walking (from Maine into New Hampshire). It was a hot, but typical summer day. After walking for most of the morning, two of the walkers met a man who invited us into his home for lunch. We graciously accepted and were surprised to discover how beautiful his family was. He was married to a wonderful woman and they had an adorable child and were expecting their second. They had such a wonderful way about them and their faith was so radiant. Of all the days that summer, this family sticks out in my mind the most.
Today, I decided to check out the new Catholic bookstore. I stayed half an hour past closing talking with the owner when the man that works with her said that he was leaving. She mentioned that his four year old was in the car. She said the child's name and I immediately wondered if it was the man that had invited us for lunch. I began asking questions of where he lives and his wife's name. Sure enough, it was him! He walked back inside to get something and we both realized that we knew each other and how we had met. I then went outside to see his wife and two boys. We immediately began talking and I was so excited to have seen them once again. She is now expecting their third child! They are such amazing witnesses of God's love for us and I am so happy to have seen them once again. You never know where you'll see someone that you haven't seen in years, but God always seems to reconnect us.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Change in Me
It's interesting how my mindset has changed and evolved over the last month. In the past, I haven't necessarily been impulsive or self absorbed but I didn't always have a reason to think so much about others. Now, whenever I'm out doing things or learning new domestic skills (like picking rhubarb today) I think about how it will be beneficial to my husband and children. I'm a month closer to beginning my vocation and I have learned so much in this short time. Each skill and new perspective that I gain will be helpful and wonderful not only for myself but more importantly for my family.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Engagement Blessing
After mass this evening, Nathan and I decided to ask Fr. Lariviere to bless our engagement and my ring. We have been meaning to do this, but with both of our busy schedules we kept putting it off. Finally, after being engaged for a month we decided we could not wait any longer. We spoke with Father after mass and he offered to get his Book of Blessings and do a formal engagement blessing.
We stood in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother and I handed my ring to Nathan. Fr. Lariviere blessed it and then Nathan placed the ring back on my finger. It was a beautiful moment and such a wonderful thing to do. After receiving my newly blessed ring, he blessed our engagement.
After leaving the church, I had an amazing feeling. It was so beautiful to know that our engagement had officially been blessed and that our love will continue to grow with God in the center of our lives and that the Blessed Mother will continue to guide us.
We stood in front of the statue of the Blessed Mother and I handed my ring to Nathan. Fr. Lariviere blessed it and then Nathan placed the ring back on my finger. It was a beautiful moment and such a wonderful thing to do. After receiving my newly blessed ring, he blessed our engagement.
After leaving the church, I had an amazing feeling. It was so beautiful to know that our engagement had officially been blessed and that our love will continue to grow with God in the center of our lives and that the Blessed Mother will continue to guide us.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
July 26, 2008
Lives will become One*
LORD Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the love we share, and for bringing us together.
TEACH us to prepare for our wedding by an increase of love towards each other, by an increase of generosity to others and by the prayers we make for a long and happy life together.
BLESS all those who are helping us to prepare for our wedding. Keep us good-humoured and joyful as the day draws near.
MARY our Mother and Saint Joseph keep us always in love with each other. Teach us to live as you did and to love Christ with great devotion all the days of our life together.
Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us.

LORD Jesus Christ, we give you thanks for the love we share, and for bringing us together.
TEACH us to prepare for our wedding by an increase of love towards each other, by an increase of generosity to others and by the prayers we make for a long and happy life together.
BLESS all those who are helping us to prepare for our wedding. Keep us good-humoured and joyful as the day draws near.
MARY our Mother and Saint Joseph keep us always in love with each other. Teach us to live as you did and to love Christ with great devotion all the days of our life together.
Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
First Communion...Only the Beginning
Although most people don't realize it, I have a charismatic side that I occasionally let out. This only happens 2-3 times a year, but today was definitely one of them. I decided to visit my former choir (the praise and worship group) and it just happened to be the day where all of the children in the area were being confirmed and received their first communion. I haven't personally attended a first communion for about 10 years, so I was really excited to see the 50 children. On top of this, the bishop was there.
While all of these seven and eight year olds were being confirmed, there were so many things I was thinking about. Of course I was looking at each of the dresses in hopes of seeing something I would like for a flower girl, but don't worry I had many other things on my mind. As I continue to approach my vocation to marriage, I was thinking and praying for each of these children. Each has a vocation that God intends for them, but how many parents will continue bringing them to mass and nurture their faith. I prayed that they continue on this path towards holiness and that each is able to discover their own vocation. Of the 20 or so boys who were confirmed, how many will be called to the priesthood? It amazed me just to think that there were future priests walking among us and one day they will do wonderful things for our church.
While all of these seven and eight year olds were being confirmed, there were so many things I was thinking about. Of course I was looking at each of the dresses in hopes of seeing something I would like for a flower girl, but don't worry I had many other things on my mind. As I continue to approach my vocation to marriage, I was thinking and praying for each of these children. Each has a vocation that God intends for them, but how many parents will continue bringing them to mass and nurture their faith. I prayed that they continue on this path towards holiness and that each is able to discover their own vocation. Of the 20 or so boys who were confirmed, how many will be called to the priesthood? It amazed me just to think that there were future priests walking among us and one day they will do wonderful things for our church.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Proposal
On May 16, 2007 around noon, Nathan asked me to marry him. The answer was obviously a huge "yes," but for those who have been extremely curious and can no longer contain their excitement, here are the details and the story that goes along with it.
We have been on a pilgrimage in Canada for a week now and are heading home today. Nathan and I have been planning this trip for the majority of the last year for USM'
s Catholic Newman Club. It has been a huge task for the both of us, but a great thing for us to do together. Thankfully, he took care of all of the actual arrangements like hotels and I was in charge of the money portion. We began in Quebec City where we went to visit St. Anne de Beaupre. After spending two days there, we moved on to Trois Rivieres to stay at Notre Dame du Cap. It was a beautiful place to be and I had never previously heard of it before. Upon walking into the basilica (as seen in the picture), I was amazed at how large the church was. It was much more modern than the majority of churches I have seen, but I found it to be beautiful.
I am a huge creature of habit and Nathan definitely knows that. Whenever walking into a church, the
first thing I do is find Jesus. I genuflect and then begin looking around. I quickly spot the statue of Mary and make my way over. I walked around for a bit and like I always do, I knelt in front of Mary. It is here that I always pray for her guidance; that I may become more like her. At this point, Nathan knelt next to me. This is completely typical of us, so I had yet to expect anything. When we pray together, whether in front of the Blessed Mother or the tabernacle, we always pray individually first about our own intentions and then we hold hands and pray with each other. At this point, he started talking to me. We have this cute little game that I'm sure others find to be completely obnoxious if they ever hear us where we ask the other to "guess what." He proceeded to
ask me to "guess what" and he said that he loved me. After another guessing, he said that he was going to marry me. He then moved his arm, which I expected would be placed around me, but instead it went for his pocket. The next thing I knew, he was off the little ledge that we were kneeling on, was on one knee, and had a ring in his hand. He then asked if I would be his wife. At this point, we aren't actually sure if I said yes or not. I was in complete shock, had a huge smile on my face, and hugged him as fast as possible. I barely remember the ring being slipped on my finger since I was floating so high in the sky.
We then turne
d back to prayer, obviously with a completely new intention. All the while, I keep turning my gaze between him, my hand, and the Blessed Mother. I don't know if I have ever been so happy, excited, content, and had so many other feelings at the same time before. We then got up and lit a candle together in front of the Blessed Mother (obviously a blue one). Finally, we went to kneel once again and Nathan wrote a prayer intention that we left there (I was still in too much shock to think straight). He asked for Our Lady's intercession in our relationship. That I may continue to grow closer to her and model my own life after her.
It was a beautiful time for both of us and I wouldn't change any of it. For those who are curious, I know it was one of my mother's first questions, we are planning to take part in the Sacrament of Marriage next summer. We are praying that we can be married on July 26, 2008 which is the feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim (Mary's parents) and also my late grandfather's birthday. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue along our path.
Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us. Our Lady of the Cape, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us.
We have been on a pilgrimage in Canada for a week now and are heading home today. Nathan and I have been planning this trip for the majority of the last year for USM'

I am a huge creature of habit and Nathan definitely knows that. Whenever walking into a church, the

We then turne

It was a beautiful time for both of us and I wouldn't change any of it. For those who are curious, I know it was one of my mother's first questions, we are planning to take part in the Sacrament of Marriage next summer. We are praying that we can be married on July 26, 2008 which is the feast of Sts. Anne and Joachim (Mary's parents) and also my late grandfather's birthday. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue along our path.
Sts. Anne and Joachim, pray for us. Our Lady of the Cape, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
You Never Know What's Inside
I am currently in Canada on a pilgrimage with other students from USM. Today we spent the day in Quebec City in search of churches. I absolutely love walking into new churches and discovering what history can be found inside. This city is a little different than some of the other cities I have been to on pilgrimages. In the middle of streets of shops, Catholic churches can be found all around. It's amazing how they are nestled into corners and nearly out of site. Upon first seeing them, there isn't anything special about the outside. Most have a simple steeple, peeling paint, and a wooden door. From the outside, there isn't anything too exciting. However, when walking in, it is amazing to discover the surprises inside each one. Some are covered in gold, relics are everywhere, the paintings are incredible, and not a single one is anything but magnificent.
This had me thinking. With these treasures being found with only a small amount of searching, what else are we missing in everyday life? I wonder how many people in this world look normal and nothing out of the ordinary, yet once you get to know what's inside, they're incredible people with amazing stories. If only we would stop for a moment and take the time to discover the inside beauty of those around us.
This had me thinking. With these treasures being found with only a small amount of searching, what else are we missing in everyday life? I wonder how many people in this world look normal and nothing out of the ordinary, yet once you get to know what's inside, they're incredible people with amazing stories. If only we would stop for a moment and take the time to discover the inside beauty of those around us.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
My Little Sister

Thursday, May 3, 2007
Who Says it Isn't a Career...
NEW YORK (Reuters) - If the typical stay-at-home mother in the United States were paid for her work as a housekeeper, cook and psychologist among other roles, she would earn $138,095 a year, according to research released on Wednesday.
This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Salary.com Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts.
The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.
The typical mother puts in a 92-hour work week, it said, working 40 hours at base pay and 52 hours overtime.
A mother who holds full-time job outside the home would earn an additional $85,939 for the work she does at home, Salary.com.
Last year she would have earned $85,876 for her at-home work, it said.
Salary.com compiled the online responses of 26,000 stay-at-home mothers and 14,000 mothers who also work outside the home.
This reflected a 3 percent raise from last year's $134,121, according to Salary.com Inc, Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts.
The 10 jobs listed as comprising a mother's work were housekeeper, cook, day care center teacher, laundry machine operator, van driver, facilities manager, janitor, computer operator, chief executive officer and psychologist, it said.
The typical mother puts in a 92-hour work week, it said, working 40 hours at base pay and 52 hours overtime.
A mother who holds full-time job outside the home would earn an additional $85,939 for the work she does at home, Salary.com.
Last year she would have earned $85,876 for her at-home work, it said.
Salary.com compiled the online responses of 26,000 stay-at-home mothers and 14,000 mothers who also work outside the home.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Crazy, Yet True
LEWISTON - Val Gregoire's widow and children all knew the story: On a day in 1951, Val was hit over the head in Boston and woke without his wallet or his pants.
There were several pictures of Val, an 18-year-old Navy sailor at the time. There were images of his mom, friends and a laminated photo of Jeannette, then his best girl.
But there also were two pictures - seemingly taken from a photo booth - of Val and another girl.
Now, they have proof. His wallet has returned.
On April 11 - 56 years to the day after Gregoire lost it - the wallet was discovered by a demolition worker at Boston's Paramount Theatre.
"I was stunned," said Jeannette Gregoire, 75, of Lewiston, after receiving a call from the worker's wife, Kathy Bagen. "How could this have survived?"
More than a dozen photos, a copy of Val's Augusta birth certificate and a pair of identification cards seemed preserved inside the Boston landmark.
Richard Bagen of East Weymouth, Mass., was tearing down a wall when the wallet spilled out, said his wife. He brought it home, and she insisted on finding the owner.
The wallet had disintegrated, but the contents were still perfectly readable. One of the IDs, the Armed Forces Liberty Pass, was dated, "April 11, 1951." That was the same day it was found.
"The date was what freaked me out," Kathy Bagen said. "Maybe it was meant to be found."
Bagen searched the Internet and started calling Gregoires in Maine. One family suggested calling Lewiston and soon she called Jeannette."
At first, I thought she was a solicitor," Jeannette said. Then, she recalled the mugging story. Last week, she received Bagen's envelope with the contents.
"Course, there was no money," she said.
There were several pictures of Val, an 18-year-old Navy sailor at the time. There were images of his mom, friends and a laminated photo of Jeannette, then his best girl.
But there also were two pictures - seemingly taken from a photo booth - of Val and another girl.
"Mine was laminated," Jeannette said of her photo, a pretty young girl in pearls. "Maybe that meant something."

Not that she has worried about the other face in the photos.
When Val died in 2003, following complications due to a kidney transplant, they were just six months shy of their 50th wedding anniversary.
On Monday, Jeannette cherished the mementos from her late husband, a Lewiston firefighter best known in the area as the namesake for Val's Root Beer, a drive-in burger spot on Sabattus Street.
"If he were here, he'd have a lot to say," said his daughter, Gail Lawrence. "He was a storyteller."
The story about the day he lost the wallet is part of family legend, something he would describe to all five of the couple's children.
Jeannette remembered the day, too.
She recalled getting into an old car and heading down to Boston with her mother for a visit with her beau.
Val was serving aboard the cruiser USS Macon, which was tied up in Boston Harbor. The couple spent the day together. They said goodbye while there was still daylight. Then, Jeannette and her mom headed home.
As the story goes, somebody slugged Val a short time later. When he woke, his pants and his wallet were gone.
Why did they take his pants, too?
"He was wearing those sailor bell-bottoms," Jeannette said. "Maybe they liked the buttons.
"It left him a bit exposed as he tried to return to his ship."
He tried to hide behind trees and telephone poles," Jeannette said.
When he finally reached his ship, he had trouble getting aboard without identification. A shipmate finally vouched for him, but the loss of the card still got him in trouble."
He spent one night in the brig," Gail said.
Apparently, the Navy was strict about that stuff even then, she said.
Although this story is absolutely crazy, it gets even more weird. The woman, Jeannette Gregoire and her husband were good friends with my grandparents. While looking at the photo on the paper of the belongings found in the wallet, my grandmother spotted a picture of my grandfather who passed away four years ago. He's the one in the army uniform in the top left corner.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Gay Jeans Day?
Walking around the Portland campus of USM today, signs were seen that read:
Tuesday April 24 is
wear jeans today if you support the
Thanks for your support!
There are so many things that I find troubling with this that I don't even know where to start. First of all, there was no previous mention of this for students to know that when deciding their outfit this morning, they may in fact look as though they support something that they are opposed to. I can understand wearing a ribbon or something, but jeans? So many people wear them that it turns into such a deceiving idea. Just being at such a socially liberal university makes it seem as though I must follow the crowd as it is. I have so many things to stand up for that walking onto campus wearing the designated clothing of the day is ridiculous.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Beautiful Weather

I will be graduating in one year (plus a few weeks) and beginning an entirely new chapter in my life. Although I have always felt drawn to teach music, I feel as though my calling will be slightly different than the typical school setting. This is an unanswered question in my life, but placing it in God's hands is all that I'm concerned about. About a year ago, I began to realize that God has called me to be a wife and mother. I continually pray for the graces that I will need in order to do His will, but I smile every time I think of raising a family. Perhaps this is all the grace one needs; to know in your heart that you are doing the Lord's will.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Holy Thursday

The Passion

Thursday, March 29, 2007
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Prayer to St. Joseph

This prayer was found in the 50th year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles, when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it, or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death or be drowned, nor shall poison take effect on them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy, or shall be burned in any fire or shall be overpowered in battle.
Say for 9 mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail.
Sept. 25, 1950
Hugh C. Boyle
Bishop of Pittsburgh
Sept. 25, 1950
Hugh C. Boyle
Bishop of Pittsburgh
Ballroom Dancing and How Life Should Be
The man should always initiate the dance
- It doesn't matter if you know the man, accept his offer to dance
- Allow the man to lead, just follow his every move
- You will be floating on clouds; spinning, twirling, and smiling
- When the man says thank you for dancing with him, smile and say the same
- Allow the man to walk you back over to your friends to wait for someone else to ask you to dance
When leaving, do not walk past a bar and sarcastically say, "we should go there." A drunk, who claims to be a man, will make a snide comment and offer to buy you a shot. At that point, you'll sink back into reality and dream that life really was like ballroom dancing.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
It's interesting how many times something happens where the Catholic faith needs to be defended. This is especially true here at USM. Everyday I realize just how liberal and anti-Catholic it really is. It's frustrating, but thankfully there are several of us around campus to constantly defend the faith.
This semester in chorale, we are singing a piece called "African Sanctus." Basically, the composer took the text from the mass and put them in what he calls an "unorthodox setting." With this, he then has the chorus singing over a pre-recorded tape of Muslim prayer music. When I first learned of this, I was a little taken aback but was willing to trust our conductor on his decision. I later discovered how much I would dislike it. There is a beautiful version of the Kyrie that the chorus is singing, but then we added the taped music; the Muslim Call to Prayer. I couldn't believe that someone would actually take such sacred music from both religions and combine them. I understand that the composer was trying to encourage peace between the religions, but doing it with music, which is a very sacred eliminate to any religion, is unbelievable.
With this in mind, our conductor (who I have and will always greatly respect) decided to have a discussion about how people felt about the music. I was amazed to learn how many people thought it was a wonderful concept and saw absolutely nothing wrong with it. Eventually, I decided to stand up for what I believe. I talked about how I have been a Catholic my entire life and that this piece made me extremely uncomfortable, to the point where I cannot wait for the semester to be over.
Although I was glad that I spoke up, it was really interesting to hear how other people embraced their spiritual life. One person talked about how she is a Catholic with Buddhist tendencies while others said that they were spiritual but didn't claim a specific religion. I felt bad for them. They are so lost that they feel as though they need to create their own religion that suits them. In thinking about it from my own perspective, I find it amazing what the Catholic Church offers. We have anything from extreme traditionalist to charismatics. Every person can really find somewhere between these that fits them spiritually so that they can best love and serve the Lord.
This semester in chorale, we are singing a piece called "African Sanctus." Basically, the composer took the text from the mass and put them in what he calls an "unorthodox setting." With this, he then has the chorus singing over a pre-recorded tape of Muslim prayer music. When I first learned of this, I was a little taken aback but was willing to trust our conductor on his decision. I later discovered how much I would dislike it. There is a beautiful version of the Kyrie that the chorus is singing, but then we added the taped music; the Muslim Call to Prayer. I couldn't believe that someone would actually take such sacred music from both religions and combine them. I understand that the composer was trying to encourage peace between the religions, but doing it with music, which is a very sacred eliminate to any religion, is unbelievable.
With this in mind, our conductor (who I have and will always greatly respect) decided to have a discussion about how people felt about the music. I was amazed to learn how many people thought it was a wonderful concept and saw absolutely nothing wrong with it. Eventually, I decided to stand up for what I believe. I talked about how I have been a Catholic my entire life and that this piece made me extremely uncomfortable, to the point where I cannot wait for the semester to be over.
Although I was glad that I spoke up, it was really interesting to hear how other people embraced their spiritual life. One person talked about how she is a Catholic with Buddhist tendencies while others said that they were spiritual but didn't claim a specific religion. I felt bad for them. They are so lost that they feel as though they need to create their own religion that suits them. In thinking about it from my own perspective, I find it amazing what the Catholic Church offers. We have anything from extreme traditionalist to charismatics. Every person can really find somewhere between these that fits them spiritually so that they can best love and serve the Lord.
Monday, February 26, 2007
As a Catholic, it is important to evangelize to those around us. Here at school, it is easy to find those to evangelize to, yet hard to get them to listen. This Lent, the Catholic Newman Club decided to do something a little bit different. In our cafeteria we have stands that can hold up to 6 different announcements, so we took advantage of them. Over break, I designed a paper that defined what Lent is and an announcement to invite people to our meetings. I tried to do it in a flashy way that people would enjoy it and not want to rip it up. Today, several of us went around the cafeteria and posted them. I pray that it will open some minds and hearts to Catholicism and God during such an important time of year.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The Power of Prayer
Since Nathan started his job in September, we have not had the opportunity to attend mass together very often. Thankfully we are on break this week and have attended mass together both yesterday and today. Today was especially a huge blessing. Being Ash Wednesday, we decided to go to confession, mass, and adoration.
Adoration is always incredible, but especially so today. Being in the presence of our Lord is so powerful that my heart is always yearning to embrace Him. Although I had the same desire, I felt as though both my heart and Nathan's were focused so deeply on allowing Jesus into our hearts, that we were walking the path together. I really understood that loving the Lord in that way with someone else, is ultimately what love is all about.
After confession, I could feel our souls being cleansed and immediately knew that we would be growing even closer to one another. After finishing our penances, we knelt and prayed in front of Mary. It was such a beautiful opportunity to spend time asking her for guidance and intercession in our relationship.
Ash Wednesday

the light of your truth bestows sight
to the darkness of sinful eyes
May this season of repentance
bring us the blessing of your forgiveness
and the gift of your light. Amen.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A Lesson in Perseverance
Mom bought me ice skates for Christmas and since then I've only had the opportunity to use them twice, including yesterday. There are only a few times a week that public skating is offered around here, so we took advantage of it. Unfortunately, I really haven't skated in atleast 5 years. Mom held my hand and helped me get going, but I looked extremely scared and uncomfortable on my feet. Thankfully, Mom stayed next to me the entire time and helped me out in all of my near falling experiences. Although it was not looking as though I would be a pro skater anytime soon, I continued to try. I was determined to go around the rink
on my own by the time the 2 hours were up. During the second hour, I successfully had myself on my feet with no problems. It was incredible! I was so excited to have reached my goal! As my ego grew, so did my skating abilities. During the last 30 seconds I decided I would prove my stuff and try to do some fancy foot work. At that moment, my ego crashed, I fell first on my knees, ended up on my stomach, and slid across the ice. With 24 seconds remaining, I fell for the first time all day. It was embarrassing, but I got right back up and realized that although we can persevere and accomplish our goals, we should never let our egos grow or else bumps will form in the ice.

Lent is only a few days away and I have yet to give much thought to it. Usually I come up with some elaborate plan of how I'm going to better myself and grow closer to God, but for some reason I have yet to do this. I cannot seem to come up with something that will allow me to offer up my sacrifices in a way that I see fit. Perhaps this struggle is God's way of telling me to look at the smaller things in life. There are many trivial things that I could work on and perhaps that is what I will focus on this year.

Nathan and I have decided to also have something to work on together throughout lent. Although I do not intend on sharing it, I know that it will truly help us to grow closer to God and to grow in our love through Him. Lent truly is a time to grow closer to God by offering up our sacrifices so that we may fully prepare ourselves for the ultimate sacrifice of His son.
Friday, February 2, 2007
It's amazing that three weeks of the semester are already over. I feel as though I have already learned a great deal, yet at the same time have come across so many interesting situations. Since I'm a music major, I do not have a chance to take many of my core classes until I'm a junior and senior. This semester, I decided to take Intro to Literature and Western Civilization I. What I've found the most interesting is how easy it is for the professors to discuss political issues and their own personal agendas. Although this is much more apparent in my Intro to Literature class, I have seen it in both.
So far our required reading has consisted of Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, Thomas Paine's views on religion, a piece called "The Equality of the Sexes," and poems written by a black woman in the mid-late 1700s. We started by discussing Franklin and Paine's religious views which consist of a belief in God and being "good", but against religion (deism). It was obvious that the professor was in favor of such a thing, along with many students who don't want to be told what to do. The obvious downfall is that people in today's society do not have a connection to what is virtuous and acceptable as moral behavior. As human beings we need someone (religion) to help us along the way and guide us away from temptation and sin.
The discussions that have really upset me the most however, are on gender equality. Our professor (a man) finds every way he can to prove that men and women are equal. He even went as far as to say that women are motherly and nurturing because society has shown us that role rather than it being a gift from nature. Of course this is absolutely crazy. Although I am not a mother, I can only imagine having a child grow in my womb and how caring and nurturing that will make me. It's amazing how many odd ideas this professor is able to come up with that make absolutely no sense, yet people listen and agree with him. Yesterday, we were discussing this topic once again and he mentioned how women were passionate and emotional, like we no longer possess these traits today. Almost every woman I have ever known will cry when anything difficult happens or when a man first professes his love, if that isn't being emotional, I don't know what is. Overall, when I sit in that class, I do not feel as though I am being empowered as a woman, but instead treated as an object that is constantly being torn apart for what I truly am.
So far our required reading has consisted of Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, Thomas Paine's views on religion, a piece called "The Equality of the Sexes," and poems written by a black woman in the mid-late 1700s. We started by discussing Franklin and Paine's religious views which consist of a belief in God and being "good", but against religion (deism). It was obvious that the professor was in favor of such a thing, along with many students who don't want to be told what to do. The obvious downfall is that people in today's society do not have a connection to what is virtuous and acceptable as moral behavior. As human beings we need someone (religion) to help us along the way and guide us away from temptation and sin.
The discussions that have really upset me the most however, are on gender equality. Our professor (a man) finds every way he can to prove that men and women are equal. He even went as far as to say that women are motherly and nurturing because society has shown us that role rather than it being a gift from nature. Of course this is absolutely crazy. Although I am not a mother, I can only imagine having a child grow in my womb and how caring and nurturing that will make me. It's amazing how many odd ideas this professor is able to come up with that make absolutely no sense, yet people listen and agree with him. Yesterday, we were discussing this topic once again and he mentioned how women were passionate and emotional, like we no longer possess these traits today. Almost every woman I have ever known will cry when anything difficult happens or when a man first professes his love, if that isn't being emotional, I don't know what is. Overall, when I sit in that class, I do not feel as though I am being empowered as a woman, but instead treated as an object that is constantly being torn apart for what I truly am.
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Vagina Monologues
Every year, there's a group of students who perform "The Vagina Monologues" on campus. Thankfully, I have never seen a performance and never intend to. I will admit however, that I have read the script after someone gave it to me as a joke. I was absolutely disgusted and felt violated that someone would write about my most private areas in such a way. This group of students are once again at it again. I began seeing posters up for the show a few days ago and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. One of them has a cartoon of a woman sitting on a stool with her legs up in the air and from her womanly area is a speech bubble inviting people to attend. I was fairly insulted by this one, but it only got worse when I discovered the other poster. This one, has a drawing of a vagina, it's purple and pink and done artistically, but I was so offended and felt violated the minute I saw it. Why would someone willingly want to put up a picture of my most private area for the world to see? Our school is all about freedom of speech and do whatever you want, I should have the freedom to subject myself to such a thing by choosing to go to the show. I shouldn't have it staring at me everywhere I go. It's disgusting.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Equality of Men and Women
While I was substituting today, I observed a lesson on Martin Luther King Jr in a 5th grade special education classroom. I was impressed on how it was conducted, but it took a twist when comparing people of color to genders. The students were asked whether men and women are equal. It was interesting to see how some of the students got really into it and obviously started saying things that they hear at home about the topic. This is such a hot topic in today's culture, that I figured I would share some of my own responses.
Men and women are not equal. Equality means "the same" and physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, we are very different. Yes, we are all human beings but God created us to be different in terms of gender. We compliment eachother in all aspects of life, the marital embrace is such a beautiful representation of that. If we were created to be "the same," this wonderful aspect of life would not work. Beyond that, women are blessed with the opportunity to bare children while men are called to support their wives.
Women in the workplace is an entirely different thing. I do believe that everyone should be paid equally for their work regardless of what gender they are. However, this should not keep a woman from staying home to raise her children. In today's society we are a materialistic world only focusing on how much money we can make while sacrificing time with our children. This has forced families to feel as though they cannot survive unless both parents are working.
I could probably go on and on about this subject and never really show my true feelings towards it. I just thank God everyday that He has blessed us all with a gender so that we can continue on our paths in life the way that He intended.
Men and women are not equal. Equality means "the same" and physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, we are very different. Yes, we are all human beings but God created us to be different in terms of gender. We compliment eachother in all aspects of life, the marital embrace is such a beautiful representation of that. If we were created to be "the same," this wonderful aspect of life would not work. Beyond that, women are blessed with the opportunity to bare children while men are called to support their wives.

I could probably go on and on about this subject and never really show my true feelings towards it. I just thank God everyday that He has blessed us all with a gender so that we can continue on our paths in life the way that He intended.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Being a Teacher

Monday, January 1, 2007
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Lk 1:28)
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb"(Lk 1:42).
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb"(Lk 1:42).
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